International summer
mathematical school
in memoriam V.A. Plotnikov

Odessa National University
after I. I. Mechnikov
Odesa, Ukraine
11-16 June 2018
Dedicated to the 80th anniversary of

Dear friends and colleagues!

Odessa National University after I. I. Mechnikov invites you to take part in the summer mathematical school in memory of the famous Ukrainian mathematician, founder of the scientific school in asymptotic methods in the study of differential equations with multivalued right-hand side, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences - Viktor Plotnikov.

Scientififc subjects

  • asymptotic methods in the theory of differential equations and optimal control
  • mathematical methods of optimal control
  • multivalued equations and inclusions
  • qualitative theory of differential equations and optimal control
  • mathematical modelling and computational methods
  • game theory

Working languages:

  • Ukrainian, Russian, English


  • Dead-line for abstracts submission – up to 20, May 2018.

  • Reports recommended by the program committee will be
    published in scientific journal "Researches in mathematics and mechanics".