International summer mathematical school
in memoriam V.A. Plotnikov
Odessa National University after I. I. Mechnikov
Odesa, Ukraine
11-16 June 2018
Dedicated to the 80th anniversary of
Report thesis of the school participants will be published
in the book.
Text of the thesis has to be written in one
of the working languages and designed with LaTeX system per
sample (look at the samples in
Russian and
English languages).
Please send the thesis on e-mail:
The printout and electronic carrier with text can be also sent be address:
- International summer mathematical school
in memoriam V.A.Plotnikov
- Odessa National University after I.I.Mechnikov
- Dvoryanskaya str. 2
- Odesa, 65026
- Ukraine
Dead-line for thesis presentation – up to 20, May 2018.